GK Trick

Current Affairs for NIACL AO Main Exam

Q1. India and Bangladesh have signed an MOU for training how many Bangladesh Civil Servants at the National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) over the next 6 years?
(a) 1500
(b) 1600
(c) 1800
(d) 2000
(e) 2200

Q2. In a bid to recognize the outstanding performance and to promote a healthy competition by States/UTs, Urban Local Bodies, Beneficiaries and Housing Finance Corporations (under CLSS), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has instituted an award under the Mission. Name the award.
(a) PMAY (H) awards for Renovation and Innovation
(b) PMAY (U) awards for Implementation and Innovation
(c) PMAY (R) awards for Accomplishment and Innovation
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of the given options is true

Q3. The 13th Conference of Parties (COP) of the Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS) will be hosted by which of the following country?
(a) South Africa
(b) Barcelona
(c) New Zealand
(d) India
(e) Brazil

Q4. Name the Oscar-nominated British actor who passed away recently after a short illness aged 82.
(a) Albert Finney
(b) Jacob Marley
(c) Frankenstein Roba
(d) Robert Macao
(e) Inherista Decora

Q5. To which among the following region, Jammu & Kashmir Government had granted a Divisional Status?
(a) Srinagar Region
(b) Anantnag Region
(c) Ladakh Region
(d) Baramulla Region
(e) Leh Region

Q6. Who is the present Governor of Jammu and Kashmir?
(a) Kesri Nath Tripathi
(b) Satya Pal Malik
(c) NN Vohra
(d) BD Mishra
(e) VP Singh Badnor

Q7. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) announced that it has signed a pact with which of the following government Agency to promote foreign investments in the country and Indian investments abroad?
(a) Exchange India
(b) Make in India
(c) Product India
(d) Invest India
(e) Direct India

Q8. Union Minister of Textiles Smriti Irani launched the India Size project in _________.
(a) New Delhi
(b) Mumbai
(c) Guwahati
(d) Gandhinagar
(e) Ajmer

Q9. Union Minister of State for Tourism KJ Alphons inaugurated the 2nd ASEAN-India Youth Summit at Hotel Taj Vivanta in _________.
(a) Leh
(b) Gandhinagar
(c) Guwahati
(d) Bengaluru
(e) Kochi

Q10. The Reserve Bank of India raised the limit of collateral-free agricultural loans to Rs. 1.6 lakh from the current __________ with a view to help small and marginal farmers.
(a) Rs. 1.5 lakh
(b) Rs. 1.0 lakh
(c) Rs. 1.3 lakh
(d) Rs. 1.4 lakh
(e) Rs. 1.2 lakh



5 Banking and SSC : Current Affairs for NIACL AO Main Exam Q1. India and Bangladesh have signed an MOU for training how many Bangladesh Civil Servants at the National Centre for Good Governance (NCG...

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