GK Trick

English Language Quiz For IBPS PO Mains:

Directions (1-15): In the passage given below there are three blanks. Corresponding to each question six words are given. In the options, a combination of three words is given corresponding to the three words. In each find out the appropriate set of words in each case which can most suitably complete the sentence without altering the meaning of the statement.

Q1. The ............... tensions over the last few months between the Reserve Bank of India and the Centre found ................ release over the weekend ............ a public speech by Deputy Governor Viral Acharya.

(A) enhancing
(B) simmering
(C) spectacular
(D) momorable
(E) through
(F) in

Q2. “Governments that do not respect central bank independence,” said Mr. Acharya, “will sooner or later incur the ............ of financial markets, ........... economic fire, and come to ........... the day they undermined an important regulatory institution.”
(A) wrath
(B) angry
(C) ignite
(D) lament
(E) involve
(F) rue

Q3. While Saudi Arabia is struggling to ............ its image in the aftermath of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside its ............ in Istanbul, another human rights crisis ............... by its actions confronts the kingdom.
(A) palace
(B) reclaimed
(C) salvage
(D) motivated
(E) consulate
(F) triggered

Q4. According to the United Nations, the war on Yemen, ............. by a Saudi-led coalition for over three years ............ American support, has pushed 14 million people, about half of the country’s population, .......... “pre-famine” conditions.
(A) raged
(B) waged
(C) of
(D) with
(E) into
(F) onto

Q5. Despite ................ criticism of his handling of the attack on one of the poorest Arab countries, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the main architect of the war, has .............international pressure to .................... hostilities.
(A) increasing
(B) mounting
(C) embed
(D) preventive
(E) evaded
(F) cease

Q6. Unable to defeat the rebels militarily, the Saudi coalition has .......... a blockade on the country, worsening Yemen’s food and medicines ............... . Half of the country’s medical facilities are not .................
(A) foist
(B) implement
(C) imposed
(D) scarcity
(E) problem
(F) functional

Q7. Last Friday, Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena ............... Prime Minister Ranil Wickremeinghe and appointed Mahinda Rajapaksa, his political rival until the day before, as the new Prime Minister — a surprising move that Mr. Sirisena made in order to .................. a deepening political dispute .................. himself and Mr. Wickremesinghe.
(A) dismiss
(B) sacked
(C) resolve
(D) among
(E) between
(F) dissolve

Q8. The 19th Amendment, which .............. a dual executive, made the PM’s position secure from the ................ actions of the President. Thus, the office of the PM falls vacant only under limited .......................
(A) created
(B) arbitrary
(C) formed
(D) circumstances
(E) instance
(F) rational

Q9. Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder has clearly exposed the ............. nature of the Saudi Arabian regime. It is ironic that the murder of one journalist has .................. in doing what the killing and starving of ..................... Yemeni civilians have not been able to achieve.
(A) brutal
(B) pleasant
(C) succeeded
(D) preceded
(E) uncounted
(F) innumerable

Q10. The visible U.S. tilt toward Riyadh has ............... fuelled the existing differences ………………… Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Their disagreements were .................... by the outbreak of the Arab Spring in 2011.
(A) beyond
(B) further
(C) between
(D) within
(E) augmented
(F) elevated

Q11. Unbridled consumption has .............. global wildlife, triggered a mass extinction and exhausted Earth’s capacity to ............ humanity’s expanding appetites, the conservation group WWF .............. on Tuesday. (A) reduce (B) emanate (C) decimated (D) deduced (E) accommodate (F) warned

Q12. From 1970 to 2014, 60% of all animals with a backbone — fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals — were wiped ............... by human activity, according to WWF’s “Living Planet” report, .................... on an ongoing survey of more than 4,000 species spread over 16,700 populations scattered ............ the globe. (A) out (B) in (C) based (D) mention (E) across (F) beside

Q13. Unlike several other countries, the Estonia government ................ on foreign students joining the companies in their country so as to not to lose talent, and no ..................... the number of Indian students are increasing by the .............. in Estonia. (A) embrace (B) desire (C) insists (D) wonder (E) point (F) day

Q14. The Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to India, Riho Kruuv, said at a press conference here on Friday that Estonia was an innovative digital society that ................. excellent opportunities for study at world-class universities at .................prices. The one who introduced Skype technology to the world, Estonia is also one of the most ............... digital societies across the globe. (A) offered (B) embark (C) affordable (D) highest (E) improve (F) developed

Q15. Estonia’s higher education .................... on strong links with industry to make students gain practical experience, said Payal Rajpal, Ambassador for Study Estonia, ............... that the country encourages Indian students to study …………………….. courses like cyber security, IT, robotics among others. (A) focuses (B) emphasize (C) adding (D) making (E) peculiar (F) specialised



5 Banking and SSC : English Language Quiz For IBPS PO Mains: Directions (1-15): In the passage given below there are three blanks. Corresponding to each question six words are given. In the options, a...

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